Sunday, October 13, 2013

Three Easy Steps to straight Your posture !

Good posture not only bulletproofs your body against injury and pain but also determines how much you will succeed in life. Don’t believe me? Imagine you’re looking for a date online, using your powers of deduction (which you learned from watching Sherlock) to find a match. 

3 steps to a straighter back

  1. Roll:Muscles that are tight develop gnarly knots and scar tissue that keeps them stiff, short and painful. On top of that, sitting reduces the circulation of fluid in and out of muscles and joints, which leads to more pain and problems.
  2. Stretch:Now that we’ve gotten rid of a lot of the knots and loosened up the muscles, we want to start startching and lengthening them. As with the rolling, start slowly and build it up. You don’t want to rush here and hurt yourself.
  3. Walk:Walking is the most underrated and arguably the most important activity you can do.