Thursday, January 14, 2021

outcome that we received by Managing Strategy, Operations and Partnerships modules










This study is to discuss the outcome that we received by Managing Strategy, Operations and Partnerships modules and to reflect it on the process of completing assignment one.


This study will Summarize the academic knowledge receive from the module’s material starting from the first week till the eleventh week and to discuss its reflection and impact on personal and professional life. It also highlight the applications of this academic knowledge outcome on the daily basis for each learning outcome. This study critically analyses and review week six case study (A highlight on Samsung competitive positioning strategy to overcome market share loss to competitors).

This study claims that  week six assignment was covering mainly one aspects of the managing strategies that is competitive  advantage  which is not enough as it should cover more strategy aspects that was covered by this course like strategy diamond, Hierarchy of Strategies , Business and Strategy Formulation.


This study also highlight the methodology of influencing the strategic decision of an organization by reflecting the importance of personal capabilities and continues learning as the gaining of leaders trust required a lot of time and a proven record of previously made successful decisions. 


This study also briefly discuss change processes impact on the companies and teams with a highlight on the neutrality of resisting the change.

Judging complexity, diversity, and a multiplicity of perspectives accommodated in management decisions was also discussed.



Discussion (main Body)


This study is divided into five main subtitles as below covering strategy module learning outcome, expectations and impact on person’s life.

A-    Critical Review on strategy module Outcomes


In week one of the strategy module we discussed the definition of strategy, and explored factors that lead to effective strategies.


Week one expectations was to understand the concept of strategy with its application on real life scenarios. The learning outcome was higher than expectation and help on daily business differently as now I have better understanding of my company strategy and strength points.


 Week one covered many concepts and models like,  Strategy Dimensions , Deliberate and Emergent Strategies , Hierarchy of Strategies , Business and Strategy Formulation .


In the Second week of the module, we have explored many ‘schools of thoughts’ with critical analyses of strategy context and its characteristics. It also discussed strategy tools like SWOT analysis and PESTEL analysis.


The expectation from this week was to understand the strategy tools. The learning outcome meets expectation and influence making managerial decisions.


In week three of the strategy module we discussed competitive advantage, we learned how to use strategy tools in order to analyses competitive advantage (such as Porter’s Value Chain model) and explored competitive positioning and business level strategy.


This week was the most important to me as its look deeply on companies’ competition.  The learning outcome was higher than expectation. It’s worth mentioning that week six assignment was focusing on week two out come more than other concepts. However I should cover more aspects of strategy learned in other weeks.



Week four was about the concept of International Business strategy, with explanation of ‘Strategy Diamond’ and the Five Elements of Strategy. Week four covered many concepts and models like International Business Strategy, The Strategy Diamond and the Five Elements of Strategy.


The expectation from week one was high due to importance of the topic. The learning outcome was lower than expectation. It’s worth mentioning that strategy diamond can be applied on any future business one can acquire.


In the fifth week of the module, we have defined the meaning and the role of operations management, organizations’ resources, the organizations’ capabilities and their role in strategy formulation and explored ‘staging’.  It included application of the strategy on real life operation.  The learned lessons was meeting expectation and can be used to enhance project operation in daily business.

At Week six we had our first assignment which is critically reviewed in section B below.


In the seventh week of the module, supply chain management was the main topic. Globalization management and its effects on supply chains, and analyses the factors that affect supply chain management was also discussed.

Learning outcome  and understandings was may  concepts and models like,  Supply Chain , Key issues of Supply Chain , Globalization and Supply Chains , Importance of Supply Chains , Supply Chain practices,,  Just-In-Time and Lean Systems . These concepts can be applied as actions on daily procurement procedures.


Week eight was about of quality, capacity, planning and inventory, focusing on Total Quality Management, and identified basic quality tools and approaches.


Week nine critically discussed organic development, analyzed mergers and acquisitions, and discussed the concepts of strategic alliances and partnerships.


The expectation from week eight and nine was to understand the concept supply chain and quality management. The learning outcome was satisfying and help on managing and maintaining companies’ quality.


Week ten critically discussed Change management, explained the types and process of change and analyses Lewin’s model, and examined causes of resistance to change and relevant solutions. A highlight on impact of strategic change processes will be discussed in details on section C.

Week eleven was only a recap to Link Themes together.


B-    Critical Review on week six case Study



Week six case study covered Samsung competitive advantage strategy concept, which discussed in details along with SWOT analysis. However it worth Mentioning that the study doesn’t cover other strategy concepts that was covered during this course like PESTEL analysis, Strategy Diamond’ and the Five Elements of Strategy, and defined staging.


Week six assignment was mainly around competitive advantage (week 2), the study missing information regarding other strategic concepts learn in this module.  Also Week six study used secondary Data method to cover the topic of study however, there are many other methods that can be used that wasn’t covered by week six study. Like Experiments, Surveys, Questionnaires, Interviews, Case studies, Observational trials.


C-     Change management Impact


The importance of change stems from the constant need to amend and change goals in line with the requirements of renewal and change, which represent the essence of the organizational stages, Economy and Technical Society (Al-Lawzi, 1997: 338).


However, the introduction of any change in the organization is matched - often - by resistance by some individuals, which results in a negative impact on the success and effectiveness of the change process. Therefore, the increase in this resistance and its strength and influence will lead to a decrease in the level of influence and success of the change process, if not its failure. (Al-Harbi, 2001: 78).

Change have many impacts, change might lead to shorter product life cycles. Change need to increase company’s investment in research and development to keep its balance.

D-    Influencing the strategic direction of an organization



In order to influence company strategic decisions, one should be strong on his input. This mean that companies top management will not listen -especially when making strategic decision- to weak evidences and expertise. Change management and its application and effects should be studied before participation on companies’ strategic decisions.  To influence company strategy, a strong evidences and examples shall be presented on the table along with competitors experiences. By time the trust can be gained and the influencing can be highly appreciated.

E-     Judging complexity, diversity, and a multiplicity of perspectives accommodated in management decisions


Making a decision is a process of choosing between alternatives based on given information. The choice of alternatives varies according to the number of alternatives presented.  Leader input is considered one of the most important factors affecting the effectiveness of the management decision. The personality of the leader, attitudes, values, experience, social position, and his psychological state when making the decision are factors that affect the effectiveness of the decision made.


Decision-making is affected by personal factors stemming from leader’s personalities specially their attitudes, values, scientific level, experiences, pattern of behavior and social background.






Managing Strategy, Operations and Partnerships module was divided into 12 weeks, each week from one to five have focused on specific strategy concept with its application and models. At week six we have the first assessment point that we are critically reviewing on this study.


Week seven to ten covered supply chain management, quality, organic development, and change management respectively. Each week will be discussed in more details in this study covering the learning outcome against the expectation from the strategy module and the Impact of this module in our future decisions including actions and next steps



This study critically review and self-reflect week Six assignment that discussed Samsung competitive positioning techniques that been developed as a differentiation strategy to secure companies  market share and overcome competitive challenges in many industries and to continuous losses . This study also critically reviewed the only method used for week six which was secondary Data Analysis / Archival Study and Observation.


This study demonstrate   the understanding of the theory and practice of strategic development and operations along with the impact of strategic change processes with examples of the effect of the change implementation. This study also highlight the methodology of influencing the strategic direction of an organization by reflecting the importance of personal capabilities and continues learning.  This study also discussed judging complexity, diversity, and a multiplicity of perspectives accommodated in management decisions and it could be affected by the leader who is taking the decision.





List of References


-          Al-Harbi, J. N., and  Durrant, S. G., (2001). Use of Kolb learning cycle and the 4M AT system in engineering education. Journal of Engineering Education, 82(2), 78-79.

-          Al-Lawzi, M.,  (1997) ’Exploring Change management: A review of academic research from the last decade’ Dar Al Balagh, 3(3), pp. 333-340.

-          Porter, M. (1979) How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy. Brighton: Harvard Business Review

-          Kim, W. and Mauborgne, R.,( 2005). Blue Ocean Strategy. 1st ed. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Review Press.


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